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일반 가정의 집안 공기 오염 정도는 바깥 공기보다 최대 5배까지 안 좋아질 수 있습니다.18

각 지점을 클릭하여 더 자세히 알아보세요.

Carbon and coal dust

Wood-burning fireplaces and stoves emit particulate matter during combustion.

Carbon and coal dust


Foam that can be found in textile-covered furniture can release formaldehyde gas.


Formaldehyde and other Volatile Organic Compounds

Some carpets, rugs and their backing materials can emit VOCs when new and potentially throughout their life.

Formaldehyde and other Volatile Organic Compounds

Benzene and formaldehyde

Some chemical substances found in scented candles can release VOCs into the air as they burn.

Benzene and formaldehyde

Dead Skin and disintegrated faeces

Cats, dogs and other houshold pets can spread this microscopic material around
the home.

Dead Skin and disintegrated faeces


Plants and flowers can release microscopic pollen into the air.


Outdoor air pollution

Sources such as tree pollen, particulate matter and vehicle exhaust fumes can enter the home and may remain trapped there.

Outdoor air pollution

Volatile Organic Compounds

Some indoor paints can use VOC's as solvents, which can be released as gaseous chemicals when they dry and potentially throughout their life.

Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile Organic Compounds

Some household air fresheners can contain VOCs, which can be released alongside the fragrance when sprayed.

Volatile Organic Compounds

Formaldehyde and other Volatile Organic Compounds

Gas hobs and the food cooking process itself can emit fumes and VOCs into the air.

Formaldehyde and other Volatile Organic Compounds

Volatile Organic Compounds

Household cleaning products can contain volatile organic compounds that can evaporate into the air.

Volatile Organic Compounds


“오염이 점점 심각해질수록, 기술로 그 문제를 해결할 수 있어야 합니다.

다이슨은 다양한 종류의 바닥과 표면에서 각종 오염 물질을 제거할 수 있는 진공 청소기를 만들어내는 것에서부터 시작했습니다."

제임스 다이슨(James Dyson), 발명가.


자동으로 유해가스를 제거합니다. 또 알레르기 유발 물질, 오염 물질과 같은 초미세먼지를 99.95%

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휘발성 유기



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통해서 실내의

다이슨 공기청정 선풍기는 99.95%의 미세먼지를
잡아내고 이 미세먼지가 다시 밖으로 나가지
않게 합니다.1

일부 공기청정기는 공기를 여과하는 과정에서 유해한 미세먼지를 다시 실내로 내뿜기도 합니다.

일년 내내 공기를 정화할 뿐
아니라 필요할 때는 공기청정
선풍기 기능까지.

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